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My Quiet Weekend

Okay, I know the weekend seems a whole life time away and no doubt you are all looking forward to the next one but in my head this was scheduled for Monday... it just never happened. Is it me or does the pace of life just seem to get crazier and crazier? I am in desperate need of a holiday!The weekend just past however was at a slower place than usual. No, of course I didn't just sit and relax but I did things at my own pace and for us. It would have been good to fit in some painting or other art work but another time maybe.

  • I made a quiche for lunch - I've made one every week for the past year or so for our farm shop and as a result never seem to make one for us anymore. Last week thay had a mushroom and pesto tart with pine nuts that I really fancied keeping for us, so I made another one. With some crunchy homemade coleslaw it it di the job both Saturday and Sunday!
  • I bought some ridiculously expensive fabric. I have never spent this much on fabric before but I couldn't resist this beautiful boiled wool and it is destined to be a coat. The pattern is relatively simple but I'm still terrified to cut into it! I need a day when I'm not preoccupied with other things... so watch this space.
  • I made bread.... mostly because we had run out and it seemed preferable to a trip to the shops.
  • I filled my new biscuit barrel with cookies. Of course it is now almost empty again and I am reconsidering the skimpy outfit. Something with a bit of room for movement seems more appropriate.
  • We spent some time with this gorgeous little chap who is now very mobile. He is climbing, crawling and pulling himself up to standing... and becoming very vocal! He is absolutely adorable. Where did those ten months go.
  • I finished off some off these poppies for my friend Liz (They will be with you by the end of the week I hope... once I've got the ends sewn in!) We met very briefly in a group when we both attended the Build a Business day last year. Sometimes you just connect with someone and that was the case with us. If like me, you like food and fabrics with a bit of Italy thrown in then I'm sure you'll enjoy reading Liz's blog and you can read about her Remember Me project here.
There were also dog walks and lines learned with a fair bit of mooching about so a good weekend. Since then of course there has been teaching, rehearsals and a birthday with cake... no rest for the wicked but I guess it is better than being bored! Off to ice another cake now but will be back soon I hope!

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