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October suddenly feels very cold after a warm September.  Porridge is back on the menu for breakfast.  We rode out for a cycle ride earlier in the week; I wore my leggings and long sleeved top but it still felt very cold and not a lot of fun.  So it looks like riding on the bike in the attic gym will be on the agenda now.  It’s a good substitute but I shall miss the crazy stuff you see outside sometimes in the real world. 

We were cycling through the village of Normanby; we had to pull out to go round a parked van ahead of us and could see the workman was carefully pouring a big tin of white paint into a tray in the back of the vehicle.  Walking towards the van on the pavement was a man and his large dog, the guy was holding a Costa coffee in one hand and didn’t seem to be in complete control of the animal.   As we cycled past we saw the dog suddenly leap up into the back of the van to say a friendly hello to the workman and from the yells and shouts I can only guess that he might have landed in the middle of the paint tray!

Paul has already moved on to his next project.  Ever since we moved here we have been umming and ahhing about the large evergreen hedge that bordered one end of the terrace.  Once upon a time it would have been just three tidy shrubs - two types of dwarf conifer and a Cotoneaster, but over the years they had been left to grow into a monster hedge.  Unfortunately you cannot hard prune the conifers, they just go black and die off.  Yesterday he decided to cut it all down and have a big bonfire. 


Rick was keeping a wary eye on proceedings

the fire was lit at dusk

interesting reflection through the glass

looking very bare this damp and dismal morning

Just the tough job of removing the roots now, although we will keep the Cotoneaster and see if it grows back.  It looks very bare now but I have a few ideas to transform it into an attractive area of the garden.  Maybe some ferns and grasses to start off with and then see what evolves.

 (Paul says the dog was small, not large.  I think it would be safe to say it was a medium sized dog.)

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