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Mally Mall is a Joke

I was looking for stuff to write about and I stumbled across this joke of a person named Mally Mall. I'd never heard of him before but he's a "hip-hop producer" that likes to stand around and hold Monopoly money. He was arrested or convicted or whatever for running a prostitution ring which seems so ridiculous I can't even talk about it. Why would a BIG TIME producer want to mess around with a low rent, penny ante, bullshit crime like that, I don't get it. 

And I have to imagine the best part of being a "hip-hop producer" is apparently all you have to do is say you are one. It doesn't even have to be true. "I'm a hip-hop producer and clothing designer" and voila . Trashy girls with orange/red hair and high top sneakers named LaTonya and Princess Vibe practically throw themselves at you.

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