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A surprise visit from Millie

I'm writing this from Cork at the moment as I have gone home to visit my family. Normally when I update the blog - which is every night - there is a giant bottle of water beside me to keep me company and not much more but today, there was something very different!

This is Millie - my parent's new puppy. I managed to snap a very quick blurry (yet awful) pic of her jumping up on me after she popped into my room to surprise me!

Choupette has nothing on this!

It's an awful picture of me but to be fair, I had just been jumped on!!!! I've never known any of our dogs to have such nervous energy before! Mind you, its been a while since there has been any puppies in the house - Millie arrived after our last dog passed away aged 16. Still, I'd prefer not to be jumped on!!!

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