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The Tux and the Mini

Tux coat-001

As I get older I tend to find myself more and more often drawn to tailored pieces. Sharp lines, structured pieces and a quality fit; I think this is what they call maturing.

I’ve always had a bit of a hatred for River Island. I loathe how they seem to plaster everything in tacky gems and a mass of sequins. Honestly, it looks like a year 2’s art class has been let loose in the store. However I will admit every now and then I seem to find myself in the store, I like to think it is the non judgemental side of me given RI the opportunity to redeem itself- I know, just call me a saint.

Tux waistcoat

And good things happen to good people, because amidst the mass of sequins lay this darling. A black satin tuxedo waistcoat. I spun it around, running my fingers along the collar, searching for the hideous plastic rocks, but no! It was clean!

I’ve worn this many a time with sharp white trousers and court shapes for a classic look, but this time, I thought I might try and regain a little of that playful side in me, and go for The Mini. A yellow mini at that too. 

Topshop yellow skirt (2) Black heeled boots

Tuxedo Waistcoat- River Island (Similar)
White Camisole- River Island (Similar)
Mini Skirt- Topshop (Similar)
Heeled boots- Matalan
Earrings- H&M
Ring- Topshop
Belt- Topshop (Similar)

Tux Statement ring Statement earings

These earrings deserve a special mention though. One fashion accessory I rarely wear is earrings. I find they make my ears bleed, and raw, so I tend to stay away, however when I saw these last week in H&M I just couldn’t take my eyes off them- utterly ridiculous- I had to have them! But even better, they are clip on! I’ve never worn clip on earrings, but let me tell you they are the saving grace I didn’t know I was looking for. So comfortable, not at all irritating and not a drop of blood in sight. 

Laceup boots

I couldn’t resist putting it with these bad boy boots though; well I have a life time of sharp suits, and sensible shoes to come. Better make the most of it while I can. 
Dear lord, sensible shoes? I don’t know the meaning.

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