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my 'simple life' experience (part 1)

After being gone for a couple of days, im now back all fresh & tan from my vacation...
I'll share my experience with you, so this is not a beauty-related post...

Kilometers away from the city, I went to visit my bf's hometown because its their town's fiesta. i dont have the pic of the whole event, so ill just share my experience..

Being a city girl, i never had the experience of staying in a secluded town where there are no convenience stores, no diners, no chemist, no means of transportation (there's not even a jeepney in sight!, only tricycles & 'kuliglig'), no faucet, etc... So it was a very different experience for me... im not saying that i actually had a blast (after depriving myself with the basic needs that i consider..lol!) but it was nice soothing & life-changing experience for me...

Staying on a place where you are not dictated by time is surely something that we always wanted. Not worrying about what time you need to go wake up so to not be late, not thinking about the traffic which will consume your precious minutes...

ok...enough with the serious meditation-like speech..lol

The place where i went to is somewhere in Pangasinan, Philippines. It's 4 hrs away from Manila. Im not familiar with the route but we rode a bus, get off at Mangatarem (i think its like the town proper), then ride the tricycle to get to Urbiztondo...

Lemme start with the house which i stayed at for the whole 4 days...This is the house of my bf's aunt. We stayed there the whole time. It looks just like a typical filipino town-house..lol

I like how homey it is. Not a single of trace of modernism, but every trace of traditional, simple house full of love...

This is sort of like a small place where you can rest, its in the front of the house. I like how relaxing it is, with the yellow bell flowers above it to serve as a shed, its windy & cool.

Being a typical house in the province, their main form of living is farming, so they have a few animals roaming on their backyard....just like these ducks...this is the cow stall...
they do have cows but since the sun is already up so they are already grazing on the farm..

They do have chickens & dogs...but since i forgot to take a pic of that....ill leave that..lol

Aside from the animals, they have a couple of fruit trees...some are just falling on the ground!bananas,anyone?
Then..its time for the wide land area called 'farm'..lol...
I asked bf to accompany me so i wont risk getting lost...
Then a few steps away from the house, you can get to the farm...
I think they just harvested corn that's why there are lots of dried corn stalks on the ground.

As we were walking, i saw some cotton on the ground & i asked bf where they came from & he pointed the tree above us!

Sorry if it looks dark..ill show you how it looks like later...
He have to throw rocks on it so to get some. I must admit, he got some skills..after 2 attempts he hit one & i picked it up..

Then on the farm, i saw a mama & baby cow...
They are both 'eating'...mama is grazing while baby is drinking milk!

After all of the excitement, its time to go back 'home'....on the way home, we passed by a house on which im sure is very different from the houses on other countries, that we can say is "only in the philippines"

This is what we call as a "Bahay Kubo" or Nipa Hut - house made from nipa, bamboo,etc.

Aunt Digna's house is also made of Nipa but some of the walls are made from cement..its just that i think this house is so very filipino-like so i can't resist taking a pic...there's even a man sitting on the corner...lol

to be continued.....

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