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Joseph Tomlin

We have great pleasure in featuring inspiring model Joseph Tomlin at Stunning Men, with photographs by
Archer Imagery

Joseph is an aspiring model from Perth, Western Australia but his family is from the UK. He is represented by CSAModels.

Joseph loves sports and keeping fit and has been playing football for 16 years!

His years of practice and football playing have helped Joseph keep fit; he only started training at the gym a few months ago

 Many thanks to Joseph for accepting our invitation to be featured and for doing the interview with us

 All photographic copyrights to Archer Imagery

Make sure to check csamodels on facebook and discover many more of their stunning models.


Joseph's vital statistics
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 160lbs
Chest: 37"
Waist: 31"
Eye colour: blue
Hair colour: light brown

Here's Joseph's full interview

Joseph, welcome to Stunning Men and a big thank you for taking the time to do the interview. You are from Perth, Western Australia ...

I was born in Perth yes, although all my family is from the UK.

First thing first ... how did you get into modelling?

I am a carpenter and a mate I worked along with in the industry did modelling and introduced me to it.

What do you think is the most fulfilling thing about modelling?

The most fulfilling thing about modeling is being able to show everyone how confident I am.

How comfortable are you in showing off your physique in a shoot?

I am 100% comfortable showing my physique.

You are looking amazing. How did you get into such shape?

I've played football for 16 years now, and I've been working out in the gym for about 9 months.

When did your passion for fitness start?

I've always been into keeping fit, obviously playing football all my life I've needed to keep my fitness at quite a high level.

What keeps you determined and driven to work out?

The opportunity of bigger and better things! As well as keeping in good shape and looking good.

What is your diet like?

My diet is very average, I'm one of the lucky ones that can eat unhealthy and get away with it because of my fast metabolism.

If you had a cheat day, what would be your favourite food?

It's hard to say what my favourite food would be, I love my food but in this case I would say chicken parmigiana.

Can you share your fitness regimen with us?

I spend roughly 6 hours a week playing football, I also spend about 4 hours a week lifting weights in the gym just to keep toned.

And what’s the best form of cardio for you?

Like I said before football is definitely where the majority of my cardio is done. So lots of short sprints and long distance jogging.

Now a few quick fun questions if we may? Do you think you are a good date?

(Joseph laughs, I think being a good date depends on the type of woman you take out, however I think I'm a pretty good date. I'm honest and can make conversation really easily so there's no awkward silences, I'm always interested in finding out things about other people so that helps a lot.

Your favourite song or piece of music to play while training or running?

I'd say my favourite music to play whilst training would be anything up beat and with a rhythm, it really heaps to keep motivated.

Do you have any other passions besides fitness?

I love football obviously, I would be lost without it! it's been such a big part of my life and I use it to also to relax and take me away from work.

What can’t you live without?

Family, I'm very family orientated! There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do for them.

Could you finish these two sentences for us? You wouldn’t know, but I’m very good at …

… football, since I started playing at the age of 6 you can understand why!

Now ... I’m just not very good at …

… algebra! I was fine with maths until that started throwing letters into it.

One last question Joseph, what is your big dream?

My big dream is to be recognised internationally, and grow as a successful individual.

Joseph, it has been a real pleasure to interview you! Thank you for your time and for being such good sport. All the best for the future

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